
Our current barley varieties for 2016 are:

  • 2 Row Synergy
  • 2 Row Newdale
  • 2 Row Pinnacle

In addition, we have 6 Row Quest barley available for custom orders

Brewer Malts:

Here are the small batch malts available today


Lower kilning temperatures gives our Pilsner malt a light color and a slight grassy finish compared to our Pale or Vienna Malts. Our Pilsner malt still maintains a sweet malty flavor, and has excellent DP. This is our lightest colored malt that can be used for any beer that requires a light bodied beer

Color 1 -1.5 SRM
Moisture 4-5%
AA >70
DP >130
Usage >100%



Our Pale malt is fully modified and kilned at slightly higher temperatures that brings out the sweet, slightly toasted flavors associated with traditional Pale malts. This Pale malt has good DP for all base malt needs, while delivering a full body malt backbone.

Color 2-4 SRM
Moisture 4-5%
AA >70
DP >130
Usage >100%




Light Vienna

Light Vienna malt is our rendition of classic pale ale malt that is well modified and kilned at slightly higher temperatures to bring out rich malty flavor with hints of biscuit and nutty tones with slightly less sweetness. It has good DP to be used as a base malt, and works great with other base malts to add extra flavor and color.

Color 5-6 SRM
Moisture 3-4%
AA >70
DP >130
Usage >80%



Because we use highly modified barley in a slow kilning process, our Vienna malt offers good DP along with strong malt flavors. By kilning at higher temperatures, Vienna malt gives a distinctive toasted flavor to any recipe. Our Vienna malt can be used as base or high percentage specialty malt a traditional maltiness and body to the beer.

Color 7-9 SRM
Moisture 3-4%
AA >70
DP >130
Usage >80%



Motorcity Malt House has Red Devil soft winter wheat available for malting. We can custom kiln your wheat to match the color and intensity desired for any recipe. Our base wheat malt is light in color with a good wheat flavor associated with the classic wheat beers.


Motorcity Malt House has rye available for malting. We can custom kiln your rye to match the color and intensity desired for any recipe.



Specialty Malts:

  • Caramel Malt (15 – 20 L) Summer of 2016
  • Caramel Malt (50 – 60 L) Summer of 2016
  • Caramel Malt (100 – 120 L) Summer 2016
  • Munich Malt (14 – 16 L) Available now

Distiller Grains and Malts:

Motorcity Malt House has the following Michigan grown grains available for distillers:

  • Distillers Malted Barley
  • Malted Corn
  • Rye
  • Soft Winter Red Wheat
  • Yellow Dent Corn #2-

Available upon request special request we also provide:

  • Multi colored corn
  • Spelt
  • Buckwheat
  • Sorgum